The Solstice Pool Ritual: June 21st – Ancient Ice Age Powers Evoked At Mysterious “Devil’s Punchbowl” Crater – Beast-Man Rises In Enormously Powerful Ceremony To Harness Primal Energy

solstice pool ritual

Ultimate prosperity, protection, health, spiritual harmony, and more…

Whatever your request it can be accommodated with this incredibly powerful summer solstice ceremony.

In times past, people thought the mysterious large pool near the village of Croxton, in Norfolk, UK, was supernatural. It would fill with water in a blazing heatwave, and be bone dry when it poured with rain. The pool seemed to fill up with water at it’s own volition. No wonder it was called the “Devil’s Punchbowl.”

It turns out that this erratic behavior has a more down-to-earth explanation. During the Ice Age, subsurface chalk eroded and formed an underground chasm, which eventually collapsed, forming a sinkhole (known as a Doline). This exposed the normally hidden water table and led to water rising and subsiding apparently at random.

Ritual landscape

But the fact this pool was dubbed the Devil’s Punchbowl led me to thinking that it may well have been used long ago for magico-religious rites. Often ritual landscapes became associated with the Devil after the Christianization of Britain (when you read the vision I had below, you’ll see this makes sense).

What’s more, nearby is a Bronze Age burial mound, known as the Mickle Hill tumulus. In fact, Bronze Age mounds can be found scattered across the landscape of both the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.

Much of this region was likely a ritual landscape, with every magico-religious site connected by “old straight tracks”, otherwise known as Ley Lines.

Vision of the distant past

On my first visit to the Devil’s Punchbowl, it was dusk on midsummer’s day last year. As I stood by the water I suddenly saw visions of people dressed in animal skins all standing around the pool on the ridge above it.

For all I know, they could have been the earliest humans in Britain, Homo Heidelbergensis, ancestors of the Neanderthals. If so, this scene was far into the archaic past.

What I took to be the priests of this ancient tribe were chanting in a strange tongue, and every so often large horns were blown, their melancholy haunting melody evoking the ineffable music of creation.


The whole area was lit by flaming torches held by women with long trailing hair. And then, suddenly, the water in the pool became restless as if something was moving beneath it. A hush fell upon the gathered crowd. And then something began to rise from the water… First a head, then an enormous body… It was a giant – it must have been 12ft tall, And was some kind of beast-man… neither one nor the other.

It’s animal aspect seemed to be that of a goat, sturdy curled horns and cloven feet, mixed with a human physique like Hercules. It stood for a moment looking upon the gathered crowd, then let out a long, deep penetrating growl, which seems to shake the very landscape itself.

Great God Pan

At that moment, the vision faded and I returned to everyday reality. Musing on what this ancient beast-man might have been, an insight came to me: it was undoubtedly cthonic / gnomic, a creature of the Earth and the Underworld. This was very much what ancient magic and religion centered upon. But my feeling was, this beast-man was a precursor of the Greek god Pan.

Thus it was appropriate that this mysterious pool had been dubbed the Devil’s Punchbowl as Pan himself was reframed as the Devil when Christianity became dominant.

All this led me to create one of the most powerful rituals I’ve ever dreamt up… And it can only be conducted at the summer solstice on June 21st.

This year, I firmly believe we need all the power we can muster, along with a profound change in consciousness. Metaphorically speaking, the hounds of hell are howling, as the insanity of the world around us picks up pace. Literally, every last one of us needs to save the world – as well as ourselves. Economies are on the brink, WW3 is potentially looming, and tyranny is just a kiss away.

Obviously, you will have your own, less histrionic, things you want to change and improve in your life. That’s fine and this ceremony most definitely will make this happen. All I ask is, keep one eye on healing this world and making it a better place.

Otherwise, your requests, whatever they may be, can be accommodated in this working.

In fact, there’s two options:

  1. Almighty Channeling of Archaic Energy: For your requests to be fulfilled and to set you on the path of ultimate transformation, both on a worldly and spiritual level.
    • PLUS you get a sacred and blessed vial of water (infused with herbs) from the Devil’s Punchbowl, charged with shimmering energy bestowed by the ancient cthonic god that I evoke.
    • AND a unique (very limited edition) printed chapbook detailing how to magically call upon the “buried gods” of the long-forgotten past (in whatever location you live) to transform your consciousness so you can access your hidden psychic powers and innate ability to sculpt reality according to your will (in alignment with nature itself).
  2. Blessing of Empowerment: Your requests are cast into the Devil’s Punchbowl to the ancient gods of yore, where they will manifest in the everyday world in the fullness of time. As your requests float upon the water in the pool, I perform a sacred chant in “unknown tongues” to petition the “old ones” to bring your desires to pass.

What we do

With Dark Angel connected via video link, I go to the Devil’s Punchbowl around late afternoon on June 21st to do meditations connecting both of us to the time streams, allowing us to slowly key into the ancient tribes – especially their shamans – that lived around this location.

As twilight begins to descend, I will need to up the ante all the way and literally shape shift to bring out the archaic beast within… something I don’t do often as it is highly dangerous, not to mention terrifying to anyone around me. Dark Angel is able to handle it. Few others can. One person witnessing it was freaked out to the point of abject terror, even though, actually, I retain enough control to be safe. Yes, basically, it’s the magic of the werewolf, the deep-rooted aspect of us that is beast, not human.

By doing this I’m able to evoke the “Beast-Man” deity that resides in the Devil’s Punchbowl. Like in the ancient past, bringing this terrifying Cthonic entity into our realm is beyond powerful… and is very much the kind of magic we need to be doing in today’s harsh, metallic and decaying world. It is the magic of revitalization and rejuvenation.

When the Pan-like Beast-Man manifests, I first cast the petitions for the Blessing of Empowerment, so requests given can be fulfilled.

Then I move to the Almighty Channeling of Archaic Energy element of the ceremony. I direct the powers of the Beast Man to those that have gone for this option. Collecting the energy and channeling it into the vials I fill with water from the Devil’s Punchbowl, making those vials living, breathing artifacts of numinous power.

Once done, I am likely to be exhausted – shape shifting rites and deep visionary trance take it right out of you. Thus Dark Angel will take over to subdue the Beast Man so he begins to sink back into the water and earth as the last rays of the solstice sun bathe him with golden light.

Would you like to have one of these supremely powerful summer solstice rituals (June 21st) done on your behalf?

As I say, there are two options. These are:

1. Almighty Channeling of Archaic Energy

For your requests to be fulfilled and to set you on the path of ultimate transformation, both on a worldly and spiritual level.

  • PLUS you get a sacred and blessed vial of water (infused with herbs) from the Devil’s Punchbowl, charged with shimmering energy bestowed by the ancient chthonic god that I evoke.
  • AND a unique (very limited edition) printed chapbook detailing how to magically call upon the “buried gods” of the long-forgotten past (in whatever location you live) to transform your consciousness so you can access your hidden psychic powers and innate ability to sculpt reality according to your will (in alignment with nature itself).

SHIPPING: Allow 14 to 18 days for your items to be delivered via secure mail. Along with your items, you’ll get a letter detailing how we conducted the working, how it went, and what you do next.

Cost: $1200.


Bitcoin: Pay with BTC and get a $100 discount.

Cost: $1,100


2. Blessing of Empowerment

Your requests are cast into the Devil’s Punchbowl to the ancient gods of yore, where they will manifest in the everyday world in the fullness of time. As your requests float upon the water in the pool, I perform a sacred chant in “unknown tongues” to petition the “old ones” to bring your desires to pass.

DELIVERY: Via email. The day after the ritual, I will email you a PDF outlining what we did, how it went, and what you do next.

Cost: $245.


Bitcoin: Pay with BTC and get a $20 discount.

Cost: $225


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