The Crossroads Dilemma Of The Sleeping Robot (Video)

sleeping robot post
  • As we approach the lonely country crossroads, we have a decision to make. Which path to take.
  • The decision is hard to make. For there are many inside us. Many Is. We are not alone. Lots of selves live within us. Each has a life, each has its needs, each throws its tantrums like a toddler.
  • That’s why it’s hard to make up your mind when there are choices to make.
  • So which path to take?
  • I don’t know. Ask greedy Joe, he’ll know. Or mealy mouthed Marcia. Ambitious Alan. Gutless Gary. Jealous Jayne. Voluptuous Veronica. Selfish Sarah. One of them will know.
  • Ask any of them. Problem is they’ll all chose a different path. This is what happens when you are legion, when you are possessed by many selves within.
  • No exorcist can help you. For each exorcist is possessed too. This is because many selves compete for dominance of the human machine.
  • At the crossroads, which way to go? God knows. Don’t ask me. Those chitter chatterers within are still arguing the toss.
  • You just can’t make up your mind, can you? You really can’t.
  • But who on this earth can make up their mind? You’re not alone. We are all legion.
  • You might ask, how do I take control? How do I stop those multiple selves within from arguing? The chitter chatterers just won’t stop. It’s deafening in here.
  • Well, dear acolyte, you need to be master of your ship. You’ve sailed the seven seas without a destination. Nobody was at the helm. Nobody plotted a course.
  • Put another way, you have a carriage and horses but no driver.
  • Your horses rear up at the slightest thing. But if you take the reigns you will eventually become the driver and be able to drive your carriage where you will.
  • When you come to a crossroads, you’ll know which road to take.
  • Create your supreme I. Create the driver of your carriage. Observe your machine, watch how it works, be aware when your horses rear. Just watch. For one day you will take reigns and take a fork at the crossroads without a thought… Not a single thought… Not one. For now, you are not legion. You are whole.