Xtreme megablast spell: three requests in one

Man with briefcase walks away from nuclear blast

Warning! Defcon 1 – All out nuke – when it’s time to drop the bomb!

Love spells, money spells, success, return a lover, court and law spells, love drawing, stop straying, bad neighbors, protection spells, curses and hexes.

The Xtreme MegaBlast spell caters to all needs. You name your requirements and we’ll take care of them. We cast the spell at our end. Then we send you an email letter outlining what we did, how it went, and what to do next.

With this spellworking, you can have three requests of the spirits. For example:

  • Return A Lover – add break up (if there’s a third party involved), and stop cheating.
  • Money Drawing – add road opener and spiritual cleansing.
  • Lawsuit Winner – add remove blocks and distance influence.
  • Hex Removal – add spiritual cleansing and protection.
  • Success and money – add wealth drawing and abundance.

You get the picture. Three requests in one.

IS THEIR COMEBACK? No. It’s the practitioners (us) who take the risk, not you. We do the “dirty work” of dealing with the spirits that have the powers to fulfil your requirements and turn situations around in your favor.

How it works

After consulting our black books, Dark Angel and I figure out the most auspicious time to cast your spell. From there we sort out which specific spirit or entity to summon to set the energy patterns in motion that are needed for your particular case – all fitted to you individually.

We then go into a visionary trance, travel out-of-body to the etheric plane where we perform the necessary ritual work to bring the results you require.

This involves conjuring given spirits, petitioning them to “help our dear friend” and to bestow their powerful energies into solving your issues.

Once done, we return to everyday reality and leave an agreed offering to the spirits for their help. This is typically nine old British coins (such as sixpences) left at a Bronze Age mound in the countryside.

So it is decreed. The spell is cast.

Xtreme MegaBlast

Three requests, maximum power.

Cost: $500 USD.


DELIVERY: After you order you’ll be sent a questionnaire to fill out your details and specific request. You’ll then be sent your ritual date. Once the working has been conducted, we’ll email you a letter detailing what we did, how it went, and what to do next.

FAITH: Even apparent diversions, or setbacks, may be part of the overall plan to get you on the path that is right for you. This is why it’s important to keep faith in the magic after its been cast for you, which will be working in your best interests. It will have your back – even when it seems like nobody else has.

TIMELINES: Your desire can manifest very quickly. But we recommended patience. Magic is a very powerful way to change things in your life. It works in mysterious ways. Rest assured, it will have your back. The secret is to “claim” your desire, to 100% believe it will come to pass.

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